Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We are moving!

Well, I guess we can only last 8 years in one place. We are moving to Woodland Hills. I never thought I would move to Utah County, but here I go. My sister Catherine gave me the courage. We have looked at this house for 3 years now and have always hoped we could afford it. It went to a short sale and the bank ended up accepting our offer. We are really excited to have more room and less yard. We are on the top of the development which backs into Uintah National Park. The kids are all registered at their new schools and are looking forward to making new friends. I guess you always need to change things up and we definitely are.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Freedom Camp

The kids have been gone all week to Freedom Camp which is a week of fun and work with the older cousins. They emailed me these pictures. I guess the boys were feeling "GQ" for their photo. They are coming back tomorrow and I can hardly wait to have them all back. I know it sounds crazy because then I'll have to go back to doing dishes three times a day, but oh well. Their worth it!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sista Shower!

I know I'm posting this a while after it happened, but better late than never. We threw my sister Andrea a baby shower for her and baby #4. It is always so awesome to be with my sisters and just talk and reconnect. Baby was born 2 days ago and I hear is doing awesome! 9 lb 9 oz. I've done that before. Kudos to Andrea! Love you girl!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vivace for General Authorities

April 6, our group sang for the 1st and 2nd Quorum of the Seventy and the Presiding Bishopric for their end of conference dinner. We did a 20 minute program and the hubbies were invited for a nice dinner. We had to wear our skirts that were 3/4 length and we looked a bit like the General Authority's wives. Good practice for later, right? Ha HA! It was a bit surreal, but we got a standing ovation, so I guess we were a hit. We are practicing for our concert at the Assembly Hall on June 12. Hope we can pull it all together!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Having fun with Vivace!

I have been having a blast with my womens group that I am playing the piano for. We are excited because we actually have two paid gigs in February! This will be the first time that we are being paid to have fun! This group has become some of my closest friends as we have spent alot of time getting to know one another in December as we were driving from Ogden to Alpine.
On another exciting note, Josh has received an Honors at Entrance Scholarship at the U of U. He is also eligible to continue on to receive the Presidential Scholarship which he will hear whether he receives one in March. Spencer got his ACT back and got a 28. That is awesome considering the night before he asked Chris for all the math formulas he might need. Megan went on to Council in her Reflections Visual Arts category in school. She did a watercolor of her Grandma Brockbank. It is really cute!
All the elementary school kids have been off track this month. I think I'm about ready to send them right back :) One more week left!