Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sista Shower!

I know I'm posting this a while after it happened, but better late than never. We threw my sister Andrea a baby shower for her and baby #4. It is always so awesome to be with my sisters and just talk and reconnect. Baby was born 2 days ago and I hear is doing awesome! 9 lb 9 oz. I've done that before. Kudos to Andrea! Love you girl!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vivace for General Authorities

April 6, our group sang for the 1st and 2nd Quorum of the Seventy and the Presiding Bishopric for their end of conference dinner. We did a 20 minute program and the hubbies were invited for a nice dinner. We had to wear our skirts that were 3/4 length and we looked a bit like the General Authority's wives. Good practice for later, right? Ha HA! It was a bit surreal, but we got a standing ovation, so I guess we were a hit. We are practicing for our concert at the Assembly Hall on June 12. Hope we can pull it all together!